Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD
College Career Center » Student Athletes and NCAA

Student Athletes and NCAA

Mrs. Joanne Lewis
Director, College Career Center
310-378-8471 Ext. 43618
[email protected]


Mrs. Teresa Hoffman
Scholarship & Financial Aid Coordinator                                                                                                                                   310-378-8471 Ext. 43347    

[email protected]



Excellent resources provided by Ivorye Long, Assistant Director of Outreach and Strategic Partnerships from the NCAA Eligibility Center:


The NCAA is hosting a free webinar for student-athletes and families (linked HERE) on Wednesday, May 8th from  3:30p-4:30p PST.  Although many student-athletes will be at practices or competitions and families will be at work, as long as you register, you will receive the recording and a copy of the presentation. 

Please utilize resources provided by the NCAA, including help with understanding how recruiting works, guidance in choosing a college and so much more.
  • ATHLETES! College Guidance Network (CGN) Live: College- Get in the Game: College Athletic Recruiting: There are benefits to being a recruited athlete – it can help with both admissions and potentially with scholarship money. Experts in this event covered: How to balance athletic fit with academic and financial fit / How student-athletes are evaluated for admission / Myths and common misconceptions to avoid.                                                       To watch the recording, click here.


Work with your counselor, the PVHSCCC, and coaches to gain support throughout the process.