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AP PSychology B (Period 2) Assignments

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GATTACA Essay: Nature vs. Nurture and Free Will vs. Determinism


I. Instructions: 

Please watch the attached video clips and the attached PDF on Free Will vs. Determinism before and after your viewing of GATTACA, and then complete your five paragraph essay on one of the four topic questions below.  I only want you to write on one of the four.  Please incorporate the concepts below into your essay, as well as any other relevant psychological terms or concepts that you’ve learned over the year.  The essay should include an introduction with a thesis statement, three supporting paragraphs with topic sentences and concrete details, and a conclusion.

II. Definitions:

Hard Determinism – the view that the will of an individual is not free and is instead determined by factors beyond his or her control and/or responsibility like genes, social conditioning/socialization, social control (laws, norms, mores that have real consequences for an individual when violated), and the physical laws governing our clockwork universe.

Soft Determinism/Compatibilism – the view that the will of an individual remains free even if some of that individual’s choices are determined by previous experiences or predispositions.

Indeterminism – Total Freedom

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul.

OH S---!

As Seen On A Button

III.  Materials:

Please review the attached materials in the following order before and after viewing GATTACA, and then complete your essay.

1. Please open the PDF on Free Will vs. Determinism and read the material.

2. Watch: Waking Life - The Problem of Free Will

3. Watch: Cognitive-Neuroscience and Free Will

4. Watch: Do We Have Free Will Or Is Everything Predetermined

5. Watch: Crash Course - Determinism vs. Free Will ( click on the link: )

6. Watch: GATTACA  (It's streaming free on Hulu, Tubi and Crackle.  It's also on Prime Video and Vudu for $2.99)

7. Review the materials again if necessary and then begin your essay.

8. Email me your essay when it's completed.  It's due on or before June 5th, 2020.

IV.  ESSAY QUESTIONS: Nature vs. Nurture and Free-Will vs. Determinism

1. When Jerome’s parents went to a genetics center for a second child, the geneticist stated “I have taken the liberty of eradicating any potentially prejudicial conditions - premature baldness, myopia, alcoholism and addictive susceptibility, propensity for violence and obesity.” The father then asks “We were wondering if we should leave some things to chance.” To this the geneticist responds, “You want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built-in already. Your child doesn't need any additional burdens.” Would it be irresponsible for the father to want to leave something to chance?  How would a Indeterminist and Determinist respond to this?

2. Vincent states in the movie that “it's illegal to discriminate – ‘genoism’ it's called – but no one takes the laws seriously.” This is in fact one of the standard criticisms of genetic profiling: if we have genetic data on people, then employers or insurance companies will use that data to minimize financial risk. Assuming that this will be true, would the benefits of genetic profiling still outweigh the costs?  How would an Indeterminist and Determinist respond to this?

3. The moral message of the movie is that we can rise above our genetic predispositions, with specific emphasis on our pre-determined physical and mental abilities. The movie’s message also applies to our ability to overcome pre-determined behavioral traits – an issue more typically involved in the philosophical debate about free will vs determinism (no free will). The prime example of this in the movie was the revelation that the Director Josef committed the murder, even though his genetic profile indicated that he was completely non-violent. Which is a better “refutation” of Determinism: Vincent living past 30, or Director Josef committing a murder?

4. Consider this dialogue regarding the rigorous testing of Gattaca personnel. Director Josef: “we have to ensure that people are meeting their potential.” Investigator: “Not exceeding it?” Director Josef: “No one exceeds his potential.” Investigator: “If he did?” Director Josef: “It means that we did not accurately gauge his potential in the first place.” This dialog exhibits a common criticism that determinism is unfalsifiable – that is, an advocate of determinism would not admit that any test could even theoretically count against determinism. Is this a valid criticism of Director Josef’s specific position?



Extra Credit: Favorite Movie - Applying Psychological Terms and Concepts

Hello AP Psychology!
Please provide a two to three paragraph synopsis of your favorite film.  This could also be a documentary.  The title of this assignment is the name of the film.  Pick five psychological concepts that are relevant to the film and and provide an example for each as it relates to the film for a total of two points of extra credit.  Make sure you clearly state the the psychological concept and that it includes a definition.  We've done this in class when we we've watched films like The Village earlier in the year.  This is due on or before June 5th, 2020.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


Important Information Regarding AP Testing and What's Coming Up

Hello AP Psychology!
I just want to take a moment to tell all of you how proud I am of your efforts in staying on top of learning the remaining content and reviewing the content that we've already covered in preparation for the online AP exam.  I know you're all going to do your best on the AP exam which is tomorrow at 11am!  Please make sure you review the testing instructions that I sent out via email and also posted on our Edlio page. You'll want to get set up well in advance.  I'll be checking my email this evening and in the morning in case you have any content related questions.  I'll also be posting some assignments and extra credit to be completed along with instructions on how to submit it to me.  Quality work on these remaining assignments should earn you enough points to raise your grade if you're borderline.  Also remember that 3 on the AP exam will raise one semester one letter grade, a 4 will raise both semesters one letter grade and a 5 will raise both semesters two letter grades.  Finally, Dr. Hafer sent out some last minute changes to AP testing to all of you and also posted it on our school website yesterday evening.  It came from College Board.  I've pasted it below for you to review in case you missed it.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart
From College Board:

Beginning Monday, May 18, and continuing through the makeup window, there will be a backup email submission process for browser-based exams.

This option will only be available for students who were not able to submit in the standard process—and they must then email their responses immediately following their exam.

These students will see instructions about how to email their response on the page that says, "We Did Not Receive Your Response." The email address that appears on this page will be unique to each student.

Any student testing between May 18–22 who can't successfully upload their response through the exam platform or send it to us by email, will need to request a makeup exam.

To protect the security and validity of exams, we're unable to accept submissions from students who tested May 11–15. However, these students can feel confident that the email option will be in place for them during the makeup exams.

Email submissions will not be available for the World Language exams.

While this does not solve all of the problems that students have encountered over the last week, it does give our students testing this next week the opportunity to email their answers or take the make up exam.


Important Update on Taking the AP Exam!

Hello AP Psychology!


Please look at what's below regarding  the AP exam on Tuesday, and make sure you review this asap.  The following is from Dr. Hafer.  Please read through this and click on the links to access all of the pertinent information that will help you navigate the exam successfully on Tuesday.  You can also email Dr. Hafer if you're having any testing issues.  The good news is that she can order you a make up exam if there are any problems, but you'll have to let her know right away.


I. Please click on the attachment  AP Test Reminders from Dr. Hafer on our Edlio page if you haven't already reviewed this.  I posted it again for you to access in case you missed it.  This is very important!


II. This is an email from Dr. Hafer that went out to teachers that you need to review.  Please click on and review all of the relevant links.


Hi all, 
I am so sorry to keep sending you emails but want to share any trends or information I find.  I have gotten a lot of questions from students about not being sure if their answers were submitted correctly or not.  Here is Collegeboard's answer. 

When a student finishes the exam and clicks the Submit button, they’ll see one of two screens. We recommend they take a photo of the screen they see in case they forget its message.

If their submission has been received, they’ll see a screen that says, “Congratulations, Your Exam is Complete.” 

If their submission has not been properly uploaded, they'll see a screen that says, “We Did Not Receive Your Responses(s).” In this case, students can request a makeup exam.

In a limited number of cases, a student's response may be successfully uploaded but their file can’t be accepted for scoring (for example, due to a virus). When this happens, the student will receive an email from us letting them know about the issue, and that they'll automatically receive an e-ticket for the makeup exam.

Please note that if a student receives the "We Did Not Receive Your Response(s)" screen, the only action they can take is to request a makeup exam. No one at the AP Program can try to find a lost response.

To make sure now that they can submit successfully on exam day, students should review Submission Guidelines for detailed instructions and Troubleshooting Tips for solutions to common problems.

Successful Exam Submission

Unsuccessful Exam Submission

Please feel free to share this with your students and let me know if you have any other questions.  I am working on compiling a list of commonly asked questions and problems to share with students going into week 2 and hope to have that to you by tomorrow afternoon. 

Dr. Hafer


III. Finally, please click on the document below as it is a follow up to the email above that Dr. Hafer sent out.


Best Regards,

Mr. Stoddart
Please click on the attachment below and watch this if you haven't already done so!


Stoddart PowerPoint-Lectures on Research Methods, Statistics and other supplimental Videos

Hello AP Psychology!
Attached are the last two Stoddart PowerPoint-Lectures.  Please click on the links below when prompted during the PowerPoint.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart
These short videos are for Correlational Studies and the Correlation Coeffecient:
This video explains P-Values and Inferential Statistics.
These are the Mind Field episodes that relate to research methods:


Research Methods and Statistics

Here are a few things to get you started on research methods and statistics.  I'll be adding more this afternoon and over the weekend.  This is our last unit before the AP exam on May 19th.  It's chapter 1 in the textbook and chapter 2 in the Barron's.


AP Exam Prep Update

Hello AP Psychology!
Good luck with the start of AP exams this week!  I've updated our Edlio page.  I need you to click on the attached video that Dr. Hafer put together called AP Test Reminders to help you navigate the format of the online AP exam.  It's imperative that you watch it now because if you don't follow her exact instructions, then you'll run into difficulties before and during the exam.
Below are the links to both college board video practice FRQs, instructions on how to write them, and how to score them.  Remember, one of the two essays will deal with research methods, statistics and data analysis.  That's chapter 1 in the textbook and chapter 2 in the Barron's.  Please make sure that you're working on those chapters this week by utilizing the study guides, practice tests and review materials that I posted last Thursday.  I'll be posting  a video, PowerPoint lecture for Chapters 11 and 1 to help supplement. I'll send out an email when those are posted to our Edlio page.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


Chapter 11: Intelligence and Testing PowerPoint Lecture, Calculating and Understanding Standard Deviation

Hello AP Psychology!
Attached is the PowerPoint-Lecture that I put together for Chapter 11: Intelligence and Testing.  During the lecture I cover standardization, a normal distribution (Bell Curve), and standard deviation.  I've attached a couple of videos that help further explain what standard deviation is and how to calculate it.  The second of the two essay questions on the AP exam will deal with research methods, statistics and data analysis, so spend a good amount of time going over this.  I will upload the remaining materials that will continue to cover all of this tomorrow. That's chapter 1 in the textbook and chapter 2 in the Barron's.  Please email me with any questions that you have.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart
Here are the links that explain standard deviation and how to calculate it.
Explanation of Standard Deviation:
How to Calculate Standard Deviation:


College Board PowerPoints for Chapter 1: Thinking Critically about Psychology

Hello AP Psychology!
Here are the College Board AP prep PowerPoint-Lectures for Research Methods, Descriptive Statistics, and Inferential Statistics.  This covers Chapter 1 in the textbook and Chapter 2 in the Barron's.   I will post my own PowerPoint- Lecture covering the same topics in the morning.  Please start with  research methods and then move onto experimental methods.  You can watch the one on statistical analysis after you've watched my PowerPoint-Lecture to reinforce it.  I will also cover inferential statistics and p-values.  This gets us across the finish line in terms of content! Woohoo!!!
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


Chapter 11: Intelligence and Testing

Hello AP Psychology!
Here are the initial materials to get you started on Chapter 11.  I'll post the PowerPoint for the Chapter 11 lecture soon. It's the last of the three chapters that deal with Cognitive Psychology (9,10,11).  Our final chapter before the AP exam is Chapter 1 in the textbook and Chapter 2 in the Barron's dealing with research methods, descriptive statistics and data analysis.  That'll get posted early next week.
BBC Documentary - How Smart Are You?:
For Fun! Octopus Intelligence:
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


AP Exam Prep Update

Hello AP Psychology!
As I finish up the last couple of chapters, I know a lot of you want to get started on test prep for the FRQs. I'd like you to read over Chapter 16 in the Barron's which covers how to write an FRQ specific to AP Psych.  It'll be reassuring for you to know that it's not like a standard five paragraph essay with an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, supporting paragraphs with topic sentences, concrete details, and a conclusion. AP Readers want to know that you understand the concepts and to be able to apply them in a meaningful way in response to a prompt that'll have you address specific terms.  Below you'll find some resources to help you get started.  I thought the first link that I pasted below by an AP Psychology student might be helpful for those of you that feel you need a strategy for preparing for the 2020 online exam. 
The other two links specifically address writing the FRQs.  College board has provided you access to previous FRQs for practice.  Make sure you read Chapter 16 in the Barron's before working on them.  Only focus on the ones that will be fair game on the exam.  Again, that's social psychology and clinical psychology.  I like the advice which is to work on essay questions that deal with content you feel isn't your strength.  I know for a a lot of students that's neuroscience, sensation & perception, and research methods/statistics. 
The last link is the College Board YouTube channel that is providing webinars for students.  This week they'll be putting up live FRQ review sessions with follow up debriefs.  The link below is for the first, timed practice exam that you can review.  Please look at any other videos posted by college board that might help you fill in your knowledge gaps.  This is an additional resource.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


Extra Credit: Favorite Movie - Applying Psychological Terms and Concepts

Hello AP Psychology!
Write a two to three paragraph synopsis of your favorite film with the title of the assignment being the name of the film.  It could also be a documentary film.  Please pick five psychological concepts that are at work in the film and provide an explanation for each one with an example from the film.  You've done this before when we watched films like The Village earlier in the year.  This will earn you a total of five points of extra credit.  Please email me your completed work on or before June 5th, 2020.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart


AP Psychology Update: Information and Resources

Hello AP Psychology!
I've updated our Edlio page.  on Thursday I uploaded part 1 of the Chapter 10 PowerPoint on Thinking and Problem Solving and an interesting documentary on how to read body language and micro-expressions. I posted part 2 that deals with language acquisition and development this evening.  I also uploaded the Chapter 11 materials on Intelligence and Testing to get you started.  The PowerPoint lecture is on the way.  Our last unit is research methods, descriptive statistics, and data analysis which is covered in Chapter 1 in the textbook and Chapter 2  in the Barron's which we'll start next week.
I've also unlocked the practice assessments in AP Classroom for the units that will be covered on the AP exam (1-7).  There are multiple choice questions to test your content knowledge and practice FRQs as well. Below are the join codes if you haven't registered yet.
Period 1: 7XZZ46
Period 2: 4YE2EJ
Period 3: YN2W6J
Period 6: ZKQN7M
Here is a link to an AP Psych teacher that works for Fiveable and has put together a really good website with a bunch of really useful resources to help you prepare for the 2020 exam and it's free.  He's posted his own webinars which you might find helpful too.  The link is below.

In addition, please review the first link below called 2020 AP Testing Guide.  It is a long PowerPoint but each slide has information that you must know about for the AP test.  Here is a brief overview:
  • Students must use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge to open the test.  They CANNOT use Internet Explorer
  • If they have the Grammarly plug in, they must remove it before the test because the interface will not allow the test to open
  • An exam demo will be available on May 4th for students to practice submitting responses, but the demo will not be subject specific
  • Students have an exam day checklist and documents that they need, with specifics for each subject (see link below)
  • Their exam ticket will be emailed to them 2 days before the test
  • There is one timer for the test.  It will turn to red at 5 minutes to notify students that they need to submit before it expires
  • Students will receive an email on May 4th with the demo information. 
2020 AP Testing Guide:
Exam Checklist:
Explainer Videos:
I miss you all and I know that you're all working hard and to your potential!  You can shoot me questions on Teams during our scheduled class time or email anytime.  I check my email throughout the day.  Keep checking our Edlio page for updates.
Best regards,
Mr. Stoddart



Hello AP Psychology!
Here are the materials and resources for Chapter 10 - Thinking and Language in the textbook. I will post a PowerPoint lecture tomorrow. The study guides for the PowerPoint are attached below with notes and without notes.  Remember, it's Chapter 7 in the Barron's.  Please plan on having everything read and completed by this weekend.  I want everyone to keep plugging away.  I know you're all working hard even with the extra snoozie time!  Also, below is the link for Crash Course #15 on Thinking and Problem Solving.  I don't have it as a file to upload, so here is the URL.  Finally, only a few of you are utilizing Teams, so just email me if you have questions or need clarification during scheduled class time.  I also check my email throughout the day, so I'll get back to you by the next day at the latest. This goes for all of Barton's period 5 students as well!  I know that I was delayed in responding to a few of your emails.  I've realized that I have to continually check my inbox, clutter, and junk email. 
Crash Course #15 - Thinking and Problem Solving:
Ape Language Research - Koko:
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart



Here are the materials for Chapter 9 (Memory) in the textbook and Chapter 7 (Cognitive Psychology) in the Barron's.  I don't have the fill in the blank study guide for the textbook, so we'll utilize the one that I've made.  You have one that's blank, as well as one the that you can print out with notes.  I will post a PowerPoint video lecture tomorrow evening for our unit on memory.  I want you to use the lecture as the basis for watching the videos and the use of other supplemental material that I post.  This will be the format we'll use up until the AP exam. 
Finally, I'd like everyone to check in with me at least once a week, even if you don't have a question.  I'll be on Teams during our scheduled class time and a simple hello is fine if everything is good on your end.  You can also reach out to me via email if there's something you need.  I won't respond unless you need me too, but I need to know that you're all hanging in there and doing okay.  Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything you need above and beyond our evolving distance learning platform.  I miss all of you!



Here is the documentary I'd like you to watch regarding Anterograde Amnesia.



Hello AP Psychology,
I've attached the Memory PowerPoint and lecture.  Please view while utilizing the study guide and supplemental videos.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart



Good morning!
Evidently, the Memory PowerPoint with lecture was stuck on the first slide.  Here is the PowerPoint which you can scroll through as you listen to my lecture.  I'm still figuring it out and appreciate your patience.
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart



Here are the last two lectures for chapter 15.



Hello AP Psychology!
Here we go with our trial run of Power Points with a voice over lecture from yours truly.  This is for the first part of Ch 15 that deals with psychoanalysis and personality development.  I will add more that will pick up where the last one left off.  It ends abruptly because it randomly kicks me off which I assume is because of online traffic.  You have two study options as you listen to the lecture and follow along.  You can print the blank one and fill it in as you watch and listen, or just add info to the one that already has basic notes filled in for you.  A third option would be to use both in some combination that works best for your learning style.  I'll try to keep the videos at 35-40 minutes.  Plan on self pacing by working on this everyday for that amount of time as best you can.  This is so you keep up with the content and don't fall behind.  I'll be on Teams to answer questions starting tomorrow for your class period.  There's a comment function that will allow us to engage.  We'll start with that until I find something that works better for us.  Again, I appreciate your patience as we navigate through this new landscape.  I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
Best Regards,
Mr. Stoddart



Hello AP Psychology!
I hope you're all hanging in there.  These are the chapters we will cover for this week and next.  We've finished chapters 13 and 14.  I know that I wasn't able to finish chapter 14 with period 6, so please reference the textbook to make sure you've completed all of the study guide questions related to stress and health.  You can also have students from my other periods send you the answers, but please read the chapters.  I've also included study guides, practice tests and answer keys with explanations as a supplemental for chapters 13,14, and 15 (Personality).  Please utilize the fill in the blank study guide as you read chapter 15.  I've also attached my chapter 15 power point as a reference for key terms and concepts, as well as Crash Course videos to help you do a summary review.  Work at your own pace to complete the chapter 15 fill in the blank study guide as well as all of the practice tests for 13, 14, and 15 by Friday, March 27th. Check your work using the answers with explanations.  The due dates are for self-pacing, so that you don't fall behind.  I'll be updating assignments as we move to a more consistent schedule, as well as creative ways of staying connected.  Finally, for AP review I'll be giving a Barron's matching midterm exam like you had for your first semester final not long after we get back on April 6th.  So make sure you're utilizing Quizlet or even better, making your own flashcards.  All key terms and key names are fair game.  The following Barron's chapters will be on your midterm:
Chapter 4 - Sensation and Perception
Chapter 5 - States of Consciousness
Chapter 8 - Motivation and Emotioon
Chapter 10 - Personality
I'll be checking my email throughout the day and will get back to you with answers to your questions as promptly as I am able to.  We'll get through this Sea Kings!
Warmest Regards,
Mr. Stoddart



College Board will be providing live online review sessions for AP students.  Click or cut and paste the link below to access.  Click on psychology under the schedule to utilize.



Good evening AP Psychology!

Please visit the Team app which you can access through your student portal.  It's Click on the Teams App and go to AP Psychology.  Please respond to my message through Teams, so that I know you guys are on and know how to access it.  I need to hear from everyone by noon tomorrow.  A simple hello will suffice.  In addition to Edlio, this is the platform we will use to communicate as a class.  My plan is to post video lessons with PowerPoints and study guides.  We will use Teams to stream Q & A sessions as a class during scheduled times.  I really appreciate your patience as I learn how to do all of this.  It's a steep learning curve for me but I'm a quick learner. 

Warmest Regards,

Mr. Stoddart