Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD
Counseling » Sophomores


Sophomore Counseling Services Overview
Sophomore year is the ideal time for students to broaden their high school foundation with extracurricular involvements. Your counselor will make sure you are balancing your academic goals, being mindful of upcoming standardized testing (if appropriate) needs, colleges of interests. career interests, along with extracurricular activities. PVHS offers a variety of clubs and honors societies that give you the opportunity to explore your interests. You also have the opportunity for community service and volunteering throughout high school with different organizations. By giving back to your community and through civic engagement, students develop leadership skills, learn to take initiative, build working relationships with professionals, and experience the difference they can make in the world.
Sophomore Counseling Program
The Sophomore Counseling Program supports the continued success of students as they pursue educational and career goals. There are two essential components of the Sophomore Counseling Program:
  1. Group Presentation: Provides general information pertinent to all students (see currently available PowerPoint below for content covered in this presentation).

  2. Individual Meeting: Each student and their parent/guardian have the opportunity to sign up for a 15-minute counseling meeting with their counselor after the evening Webinar. If you are unable to meet with your counselor, counselors will reach out to their sophomore student to schedule a meeting to review their four-year plan and schedule for junior year.
The goals of the individual meeting are:
  • Review the student's personalized four-year plan
  • Specifically address course selection for 11th and 12th grade
  • Review high school graduation requirements/status
  • Review post-secondary goals
  • Examine student's current transcript and address any concerns
  • Discuss questions and specific concerns
Below is a copy of the 2025 slide deck and the recording of the webinar.
Sophomore Resources
Please reference the links below for necessary information on high school graduation information, college admission requirements, A-G requirements, information about the UC and CSU campuses, college admission testing, financial aid, criteria considered important by college admissions officers, and more.