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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD

English 2 H B (Period 6) Assignments

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No Zoom Meeting Today

We will not be meeting today.  Anyone who is completing the Final Essay should complete it and submit it to by noon today.  I hope you have a lovely summer and encourage you to read for leisure/pleasure, watch for education/expansion, and experience.  The summer reading assignment is attached below.  Thank you for being cooperative and considerate to me and to each other.  I will miss you and hope you will continue to check in continuously throughout your years at PVHS.  This year was not normal in any way, which makes you a very special class to me. I will never forget you. Take care.


Zoom Meeting

CTR- No one is required to complete the final essay.  This is completely optional if you choose to improve your overall semester grade.  If so, please respond to one of the following prompts attached.  This essay should be in MLA format and submitted to by Tuesday at 12:00 noon.  It should be 3-5 paragraphs in length and written according to PVHS writing style.  


Zoom Meeting

Rhetorical Analysis: What is happening during the time when this text was written? What was the author trying to achieve? Was the author able to achieve his purpose? What lasting effects did this text have?
Do you agree or disagree?  Discuss.


Zoom Meeting

CTR: Discuss Ch. 23-26.  Journal 8 Carousel- In one of the most powerful scenes in the novel, Holden take his sister Phoebe for a ride on the carousel in Central Park. Explain for what reaching for the golden ring is a metaphor. What is the significance of catching a golden ring on a carousel? How does it relate to the novel?
Why is this scene so important? What makes Holden so happy at this point? Do you think makes a breakthrough? If so, what kind?


No Zoom Meeting Today

I will be distributing caps & gowns to seniors today, so I am expecting you to complete the following assignment on discussion board for our discussion on Monday. 
Grammar:  Troublesome Verbs- Review the notes (attached) and complete Exercises 5 (181), 8 (184), and 10 (187).  Bring to class on Monday.
CTR:  Journal 7 Teachers: Examine Holden's visits with the three "teachers": Mr. Spencer, Carl Luce, and Mr. Antolini. Is there a theme between these three visits? Is there a common motif that Salinger uses to develop this theme? Discuss the purpose of the visits and the message that the teachers bring to Holden. 


Zoom Meeting

Grammar:  The Review assignment from last week should be submitted to turnitin or you will not receive credit.  Discuss and correct in class.  Kahoot! Pronoun Quiz.  
CTR:  Discuss Ch. 21-23 and finish the novel for Thursday.


Zoom Meeting

Grammar:  Clear Pronoun Reference (p. 164-166/attachments).  Chapter Review (p. 167-168/attachments).
CTR: Discuss Ch. 20-Allie's funeral. Journal 6 Allie on Discussion Board. Read Ch. 21-23 for Tuesday.


Zoom Meeting

Grammar:  Reflexive/Intensive Pronouns (p. 162/ attachments).
CTR: Discuss Ch. 18-19-service/war and Carl Luce. Read Ch. 20 for Thursday.


Zoom Meeting

Grammar: Whoever/Whomever Kahoot!
CTR: Examine the poem "Comin' Through the Rye" by Robert Burns. Discuss Ch. 17.  Read CH. 18-19 for Tuesday.


Zoom Meeting

Grammar:  Whoever/Whomever p. 156.  CTR: Discuss Ch. 15-16 and provide quote analysis for the attached quotation.  Submit to
HOMEWORK:  Read Ch. 17


Zoom Meeting

Pronoun Review: Nominative/Objective/Possessive. Kahoot!
CTR:  Comment on Salinger's purpose of the people Holden encounters- society's state or Holden's mental state?  Discuss Ch.14 and Holden's mental state at this point in the novel.  Connection: "The Sounds of Silence" and "I am a Rock" by Simon & Garfunkel.  How does the theme of these songs relate to Holden's mental state at this point?
HOMEWORK:  Read Ch. 16 


Zoom Meeting

Grammar Link:  Complete Quiz 2 as a class with review.  
Discuss CTR Chapters 11-13. 
Journal:  In a paragraph, analyze whether Salinger uses Holden's interactions with others to criticize society or whether he uses them to reveal symptoms of Holden's psychological problems.  Consider what Holden wants and needs from a relationship and how he goes about forming connections in the chapters we have read.
Read Ch. 14-15 for Monday.


Zoom Meeting

Good morning!
Extra Credit:
WHEN: Sunday, May 17 @ 1:00PM Pacific Time
WHERE: ZOOM - online virtual event. Contact [email protected] for log in information.
WHAT: Join the 7th annual Sean’s “Virtual” Run in memory of Palos Verdes High School (PVHS) student Sean Heffernan who was killed by a drunk driver in January of 2013. The event is hosted by the Heffernan family to remember and honor Sean by bringing joy and happiness to the lives of others.
Discuss CTR chapters 6-10.  Journal Entry 3: Throughout the novel Holden attempts to call many people for help or connection.  Who is your lifeline?  Who would you call for help when you needed it the most and why?  (Submit this to  Read Ch. 13 for Thursday.


Zoom Meeting

Breakout Groups of documentary themes: Salinger vs Caulfield.  Discuss. Class discussion of Catcher Ch. 6-10 
HW: Read ch. 11-12.


Zoom Meeting

Zoom:  Connect to the grammar link Read through the rules of pronoun cases and complete Quiz 1 at the bottom of the page.  Review.  Finish Salinger documentary. Read Ch. 9-10.


Zoom Meeting

Zoom: Discussion of Catcher Ch. 3-5.  Complete Salinger documentary with discussion.  Read Ch. 7-8 for Wednesday.



Zoom: Novel discussion of style and narrator from Chapters 1 and 2.  Salinger documentary Parts 3 and 4 with notes.  
Read Ch. 3-5 for Monday.



Catcher in the Rye: I have included several online sources of the novel along with an audible edition as well.
Zoom: Salinger documentary with notes today.  Intro to novel.  Read Ch. 1 and 2 for Thursday.
If you miss the viewing of the documentary Salinger, it is available on Amazon Prime, Hulu, and HBO.



SOCRATIC SEMINARS!  Come prepared with your notes, articles and questions.  I will be putting you into discussion groups bia breakout rooms.  Review the grading elements beforehand.  



SOCRATIC SEMINARS!  Come prepared with your notes, articles and questions.  I will be putting you into discussion groups bia breakout rooms.  Review the grading elements beforehand.  



Optional Zoom today at 11:00 for clarification on the Socratic Seminar.  Use your time to continue preparing for the Socratic Seminars this week.  Pop in if you have questions or need clarification.



ZOOM: Grammar Corrections.  Brave New World Ch.16-18 discussion. Complete the questions at the bottom of Slide 30 and 32.  Submit these to by Friday.  Discuss next week's Socratic Seminars.  SS's will be held on Wednesday, 3/15, and Friday, 3/17, in class.  I have attached the assignment as well as the subject briefs for reference.  You should have 4 questions for the discussion, one summary of the article and the connection to each article you find (2).  That is a total of 2 summaries and 2 connections.  I have also attached the DOK chart for reference to compose questions.  We will discuss BNW next class and make final preparations for the SS.  Don't hesitate to text me any questions you have over the weekend.



ZOOM: Grammar corrections. Be sure your grammar assignments have been submitted to prior to the Zoom session or you will not receive credit for them. Brave New World Ch. 13-15 discussion and slide notes.  Start your responses to Slide 30 and 32.



Class Work:/Homework: All work should be completed and submitted to

BNW- Watch the summary of Hamlet on Youtube You should be able to associate this play with John and his obsession with Shakespeare.  On join the discussion board to share your comments on this.  Read the remainder of the novel over spring break.

That’s it! Enjoy your week of reading and sunshine!  Miss you all.





Class Work:/Homework: Review Pronoun Antecedent agreement on the handout from class or the grammar book, p. 130-136. Complete Review H, I, J , and K in your grammar book. You do not need to write out the sentences, just provide the correct answer comprehensively. I have included a video link  for your enjoyment and learning pleasure 

1984: Make revisions to your edited essays on In addition, review your introduction and conclusion for the essay and make any necessary corrections. This will be your final draft.
BNW- PowerPoint for Ch. 9-10.  Join the Discussion Board on to submit your chosen quote from Ch. 9 and comment on others' quotes. Read Ch. 11-12



Class Work:/Homework: Grammar- Complete Review E, F, and G on p. 128-130 from the grammar book in your comp book or on a separate paper.

1984 Essays- You will be peer editing the concrete details and commentary according to directions on  I am giving you more time to do this by reassigning it from Thursday.

BNW- Watch the Teded video "How to Recognize a Dystopia" via this link and follow the Think, Dig Deeper and Discuss questions on the side.  Read BNW Ch. 9-10. 



Class Work:/Homework: Grammar- Review the remaining rules for agreement on the handout (through “Names of a country, etc”) or p. 122-127 (5g.-5o.) in the grammar book. Complete Review D, p. 123; Exercise 9, p.125 through Exercise 11, p. 128 in your comp cook or separate paper.

1984 Essays- You will be peer editing the concrete details and commentary according to directions on

BNW- Take notes on the BNW Power Point for Ch. 5-8.  Join the Discussion Board on to discuss the topics on Slide 19.

If you have questions or need clarification or just want to say hello, I will be available at 1:00 via the Zoom link sent to you email.



Class Work/Homework: Grammar- Review the Collective Nouns section of the agreement handout from class or the grammar book, p. 120. Complete the sentences on p.121, Review C. Write these out in your composition book in a separate section or on a separate piece of paper. This link will take you to a grammar lesson on youtube for agreement.  Hope it helps!

1984- Refer to comments and editing for your thesis and body points on and make the revisions necessary on your .  NOTE: YOU ARE ONLY FOCUSING ON THOSE AREAS (THESIS AND BODY POINTS) AT THIS TIME. Let me know if you are unable to make changes on the copy of your essay.  If so, I will create another assignment for you to re-submit the revised essay.

BNW- Take notes from the Power Point on Edlio for Ch. 4 in your composition book. Complete the assignment from slide 17 on a separate piece of paper or your comp book. Read Ch. 7-8. Join the topic discussion group on turnitin and add comments and questions to the discussion.

If you have questions or need clarification or just want to say hello, I will be available at 1:00 via the Zoom link sent to you by email.