Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD

Student Help Needed for Green Ribbon Award


PVHS is applying for a CA Green Ribbon School Award, and we need your input. Do you, or have you within the last few years participated in an educational or volunteer opportunity with an institute of higher education, business, government, non-profit or non-formal science institution that was somehow linked to PVHS (it is how you heard about the opportunity, it was a requirement for a class or club, a teacher wrote you a recommendation letter etc.) that involved environmental education or sustainability? Have you received any environmental or sustainability related awards from these kind of organizations? If you have a sibling that graduated from PVHS within the last few years and did something that would apply to this, please include that information.

If so, please email the details (how it links to PVHS, what is was for, how many hours it entailed, when it was done/received etc.) to Jill Moeller at by December 2, 2016.