Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD


“Have you entered Tradewinds in the Pacemaker competition? It is by far the best literary magazine I have ever seen. You are the poster children for what these publications and publication staffs should be. This is stunning!” Jen Bladen said, “Really, I am beyond impressed. Ask your publisher to do an overprint of these to be able to enter them into the contests.”


Today was the first time that we had the Tradewinds Literary Magazine critiqued after it was pulled from the dusty shelves inside the English department storage room several years ago by Stephanie Liu. Since that time, we have given a voice to the voiceless by having the original artwork, poems and illustrations from our quieter artistic students on campus housed inside our full color PVHS Triton Yearbook. 


Our literary publications staff, apparently is doing all the right things and with the exception of bringing down the point size on some of the text and avoiding writing over the photo illustrations, our reviewer said that Tradewinds is a flagship for high school literary magazines. She also inspired us to go on a field trip to Barnes and Noble to view Adultolescence by Gabrielle Hanna, Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur and anything by R.H. Sin. We will be taking that advice.


And we will be entering this year! Congratulations to all of our Tradewinds editors and staff members since the days of Stephanie Liu. We are proud of your work!


Special shout out to our founders of the new Tradewinds publication inside the Triton Yearbook: Stephanie Liu, Sophie Klimcak, Hyunji Evonne Yi, Anna Aaryn Khen and Jennifer Hong. Kudos to Christine Liu, Nicola Kirkpatrick and team. And thank you to Amy Moon for her beautiful illustrations and to Angela Yang for her work as well. Bravo!


Okay, Michael Liu and Marissa Hong, it is time to move this tradition into the national spotlight!