Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD


Coach: Bria Biggs
[email protected]
[email protected]

Follow us: Palos Verdes HS Song Team, on Facebook @PVHSsong 
and Follow us on Instagram @pv_varsity_song

Alex Kiran
Allison Yu
Amanda Lee
Amelia Artner
Ami Williams
Camila Long
Ella Hansen
Emma Clarke
Finley Stockhausen
Kelly Jiang
Laira Toney
Lily Gallardo
Makenzie Larson
Michelle Amalfitano
Niki Kostarias
Paulina Mills
Vivianne Margate
Amanda Maurizio
Brylee Ireland
Carolina Juelle
Colleen Elliott
Dylan Davis
Ellie Jiang
Emma Mangham
Ella Fonseca
Gabrielle Campbell
Irene Oh
Isabella Donatoni
Julia Fox
Kaori NeVille
Leah Sachs
Megan White
Rose DiMaggio
Stefanie Bohner
Sea King WINTER Spirit Clinic
Hosted by the 2024-2025 PVHS Cheer & Song Teams
Who: Future Sea Kings, grades TK-8

Monday & Tuesday, January 27 & 28, 2025, from 3:30-4:30

Location: Senior Park (In front of the stage, in the middle of the school)
Wear: Tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt, sweatshirt (if it’s cold) AND bring water!
Friday, January 31, 2025

Meet: 5:30 p.m. at the back entrance to the lower Dance room.
Wear: Shorts or skirt. T-shirt will be provided.
Half-time of the Varsity Girls Basketball game (Game time is 5:30)

Cost: $40/$30 ($10 discount if you have the Spirit shirt from our Fall clinic!)
Includes: Instruction from the PVHS Cheer & Song Teams
T-shirt *If new, Shaker Poms, tattoo & snacks, Entrance for Child to the game.
*Please note, additional cost is $10 per adult, $5 per child