Classes week of May 4-8 2020

Zoom Links:
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020:
Period 1, FTS, YALE, 9 am
Period 2, Algebra 2 MCR, Harvard, 10 am:
Thursday, May 7th, 2020: B-Day:
FTS, Period 4:  9 am
Alg. 2 MCR, Period 5: 10 am
Algebra 1, Period 6: 11am
FTS, Period 0: 12 pm
Friday: Please make sure you submit your assignment packet on time with the correct weekly assignment TITLE in the email subject.  No zoom classes on Friday.  After you complete your assignment packet, have a safe and fun weekend!  Study for your quiz next week!  
Weekly Assignment List: The Assignment packet is due by 3 pm Friday.  Please include the email subject as your heading + assignment title of the week listed below:   
FTS: "2.6 Review Assignment Packet"
2.6 Review Pg. 142 #2-42 even
FTS Solving Quadratic Equations Worksheet #1
Algebra 2 MCR: "Ch. 3 Review Quadratic Review Assignment Packet"
Ch. 3 Review Pg. 148 #1-22 all
Ch. 3 Practice Test Pg. 151 #1-4, 11 all
Alg. 2 MCR Solving Quadratic equations WS#1
Algebra 1: "3.3-3.4 Review Assignment Packet"
3.3 Review Pg. 125 #4-20 even
3.1-3.3 Practice Quiz Pg. 128 #1-14 all
Graphing Linear Equations WS#1