Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD
Nina Sinsombutcharoen » Math with Ms. Sinso - Room 407

Math with Ms. Sinso - Room 407

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!


This is my second year being part of the Sea King family and I'm excited to be back! This year will require a lot of flexibility and grit, however, I'm hoping that with an open mind, we'll take this challenge head on and come out stronger. 


I will be using Google Classroom to post materials for our class. We will be exploring the website and complete the following To-Do list during the first week of school. 


Important things to do during the first week of school:

  1. Join our Google Classroom. Make sure you are using your school email so that you have access to all the materials. 
  2. Check out the syllabus (on Google Classroom) and read the required materials list. Make sure you have all the materials ready to learn.

I'm excited to start this journey together and finally meet you all on Wednesday. 


Ms. Sinso