School Closure Assignments
Attached are the School Closure Assignment Documents for the Essentials of Algebra classes.
I will continue to check email/Edmodo daily, so if you have any issues or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
As you will see, you have options of completing the lessons online OR using the hardcopy worksheets. Do whatever makes the most sense to you. I posted the notes keys under the Notes folder in addition to being in this packet.
As the situation evolves, I'll update you accordingly
*To access online textbook: login to student portal (, username = studentID#; password = 6 digit birthday (unless student changed it); on app page, select the BIG IDEAS textbook app; then select the Chapter/Section at the top. When accessing a book page online, you can click the red arrow to play a lesson tutorial.
See the links posted under my picture for direct links to Edmodo/Aeries/Big Ideas