Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD

Scholar Quiz

Scholar Quiz 2025
Scholar Quiz is a six-day lunchtime competition in which 64 teams of 4 Sea Kings compete in a single-elimination bracket to answer academic and pop culture questions. The event highlights Sea Kings' academic talents and emphasizes collaboration. Preceding state testing, Scholar Quiz encourages pride in academics, alongside athletics and the arts, fostering team spirit and enthusiasm. It celebrates the power of working together and channels this competitive energy into the upcoming testing season.
Players sign up using the Google form, submitting a total of 1 entry per team. All four team members complete the form together. The 64 bracket slots are filled on a "first come first serve" basis. Teams cannot be comprised of more than one person on a school sports team still competing during the days of Scholar Quiz. 

Scholar Quiz 2025: March 11 - March 18 @ lunch
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Scholar
Championship Match: March 18 in the Gym, extended lunch schedule