ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE NOW This includes ALL Ready Player One books, literature textbooks, grammar textbooks, research books, etc. The ONLY book that should still be checked out is Catcher in the Rye.
ENG 4: Classwork Steps Worksheet for Speech PPT Bly This packet may be completed during class. IF you do not attend class, you MUST do this at home. There are 3 main sections for this assignments. Each day is worth 5 classwork points= total 15 points possible.
ENG4: Senior final speech assignment sheet BLY You MUST attend one of the following classes in order to present your power point: 5/29, 5/30, 5/31, 6/3 or on the day of the final. Grades: PPT= 20 Writing points Presentation= 40 Classwork points Classwork (the "Steps" worksheet= 15 Classwork points Any student who does not complete this assignment will receive zero for each segment for this project.
ENG 4: To find RPO power points, use the folder in the black box. ALL ppts are posted there. Use the folders to find Level 3 power points.
ENG 4: Test Study Guide KEY Level THREE QUIZ Use this key to look for the answers in each power point. I do not have a completed answer key; Students must look up the answers using the chapter power points.
ENG 4: Test Study Guide Level TWO KEY Test (ch 17-27) This KEY will only tell you which chapter to read to find the answers. You may also refer to the chapter power points.