Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD

Advanced Placement

Coordinator: Dr. Kyle Garrity
Room: Admin Office
Phone: 310-378-8471 Ext. 43252
[email protected]
AP College Board Advanced Placement Program
Palos Verdes High School takes pride in our AP Program. We offer 33 unique AP classes taught by some of the most experienced and engaging teachers you will find anywhere in education. When it comes to AP classes, PVHS strives to be a school of both equal access and high achievement. We encourage all students to challenge themselves to take AP courses, and strive to score well and earn college credit.
Students register for AP Exams on the CollegeBoard website by entering join codes specific to each AP class they are taking and pay for exams on a separate website: Total Registration (see link below). A student must complete BOTH steps(registering and paying) by the deadlines below or they will not be able to take an AP Exam(s) in May.
11/08 - Deadline to Register and pay for AP classes that started in the Fall before $50 Late Fees Start
1/15 - Deadline for students to submit Accommodations (504 or IEP) to CollegeBoard
- Email Chloe Schofield ([email protected])
3/07 - Deadline to Register and pay for AP classes that started in the Spring before $50 Late Fees Start
3/14 (12:00pm) - Final AP Ordering Deadline for all schools 
Follow All Steps Below Carefully to Register and Pay for AP Exams.
1. Students should login to using their existing Collegeboard username and password. Students will be using the same log in information they currently use to register for PSAT, SAT, or to access their AP scores. 
- First time AP students without an existing Collegeboard account will need to create an account. For students creating a Collegeboard account for the first time should use a personal email address, not a PVPUSD email address, as emails from the Collegeboard are often blocked by district firewalls.
2. Once logged on to click the yellow button that says “Join a Course or Exam” and enter the specific join code provided by your teacher. Review the information and confirm it is the correct class. A student should do this for each AP class they are enrolled in.
CB 1
Note: All students’ accounts are automatically set to “YES” for their exam registration.  This does not mean that all students must take the test.  If a student is not planning on taking the AP test, students should manually go in and adjust their exam status to “NO”.  This must be completed by November 8th or it will be assumed that the student is taking the test and the $50 cancellation fee will apply.  After joining the class click the yellow button that says “Register for Exam”.   
             CB 2
Continue to steps 3 & 4 for information on how to pay for AP exams and complete your registration.  Please note: Students should register and pay for second semester classes simultaneously with other exam registrations.      
3. Go to and pay for any AP exams through the Total Registration website, similar to previous years. Existing students will login with their username and password.  First time AP students need to create an account. 

4. Once logged in click on “Register for Exams”. All AP tests should be registered and paid for at the exact same time.  Each AP exam costs $103.00 except for AP Seminar and Research which costs $156. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Dr. Garrity, [email protected], in the Associate Principal’s Office to learn more.

** Students can pay online with a credit card or mail in a check following the instructions on Total Registration.