Please check the eligibility list posted below. If your student ID number appears, you are eligible to be a member of CSF this semester. Freshmen are now eligible to join! Complete the application, and drop off the application and $20 to Room 316 or the library beginning WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22
Applications are due by WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5
Blank applications can be picked up in 316 or the library beginning Wednesday morning.
Following the membership drive, new members will be added/invited to the CSF Google Classroom page
*Spring semester donation/service logs due May 30
List will be updated as opportunities are presented.
If you are volunteering elsewhere, or have an opportunity to be added to the list, contact Ms. Klabe.
Advisor: Ms. Allyson Klabe
Room: 316
310-378-8471 Ext: 616
Chapter #664
The California Scholarship Federation, or CSF, is a state-wide organization that honors outstanding high school students for their academic achievement. It began in 1916 in one high school in San Diego County and has grown to over 1,000 chapters. Eligibility for semester membership is based on the previous semester’s report card. A total of ten (10) points are required, with points assigned for “A” and “B” letter grades, and the applicability of coursework determined by the state CSF organization (no CSF points are given for PE, repeated courses, TA, office aide, pass/fail courses, or online courses taken when the course is offered on campus).
Palos Verdes High School (PVHS) sophomores, juniors and seniors who meet the requirements shall be eligible for semester membership (based upon their 10th, 11th, 12th grade report cards). Ninth graders who meet CSF requirements are considered associate members using their freshmen report cards. Membership is not automatic. Eligible students must apply for membership during the enrollment period, which will be announced during the first several weeks of the semester. Students are notified of the enrollment period through Daily Bulletin and Edline announcements, “Live From 205” broadcasts, and campus signs. Applications are available in 316, the library and online. Membership is for one semester only, and students must apply each semester. Retroactive membership is not allowed. If a student misses the deadline, he or she may not apply later (ref. State CSF bylaws). Summer school courses cannot be applied. Check with the CSF advisor. A student may be disqualified from semester membership if judged an unworthy citizen by the advisor and principal. Grades of “D,” “F” and “U” in any subject disqualify a student from membership.
Qualifying for CSF (Lists of courses are on the application available during the membership drive)
1. A student must earn a minimum of 10 points.
- 4 points must be form List 1
- 7 pints (including the 4 from List 1 mentioned above) must be from Lists 1 and 2
- Remaining points may come from any list (1,2, or 3)
2. A student may use only 5 coursed to qualify
3. A student must have taken a minimum of 3 coursed from Lists 1 and 2.
- At lease 2 of these 3 courses must be from List 1
- Seniors may use 3 courses from List 2 if they did not take any courses from List 1
- Additional classes may be taken from any list (1, 2, or 3)
4. No points are given for the following courses:
- Physical education
- Courses taken in lieu of physical education
- Subjects repeated to improve a grade
- Courses involving clerking and office/teacher assisting
- Courses taken on a pass.fail basis
5. CSF points are granted as follows:
- A = 3 pts
- B = 1 pt
- C = 0 pts, no bonus point may be earned
- D, F or U in any course disqualifies you from membership fro the given semester
- One additional bonus point shall be grated for a grade of A or B in an AP or Honors course up to a maximum of two such points per semester
- College courses taken as part of your normal class load may be grated CSF points (meet wit CSF advisor before the membership drive ends.)
- Summer school may NOT be used for CSF qualification purposes.
6. Courses that do not appear in the Course List DO NOT qualify for CSF.
What are the Benefits of Membership?
CSF chapter seal will be embossed on student’s diploma; special recognition for the graduation program. It is an asset on College and scholarship applications.
What is a Sealbearer?
A Sealbearer, or life member, or Gold Sealbearer, is a student who has been a member for at least 4 of the last 6 semesters of high school (membership using sophomore, junior and senior grades). One semester must be with senior grades.
Benefits of Being a Sealbearer
- Sealbearer status is noted on student’s permanent school records and final transcripts
- Sealbearers are eligible for special scholarships designated only for Sealbearers (Seymour Memorial Award, regarded as the highest scholar honor given to secondary school graduates in California; PVHS chapter scholarships)
- Active members (satisfied PVHS CSF service requirement) will wear a gold sash at the graduation ceremony; Sealbearers will also earn a cord
Community Service Requirements
Each semester, students must participate in a CSF-identified community service hours in order to keep their membership “active.” Students who do not participate each semester still retain membership but as “inactive” members, which may affect eligibility to receive a gold cord if a Sealbearer, run for office, or be eligible for scholarships. State Motto and Official Color “Scholarship for Service” is the motto; gold is the official color.
Want to know more about CSF?