Palos Verdes High School

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CEEB Code: 052358 PVPUSD

Welcome to Marine Science

Hello and Welcome to Marine Science.
This class is designed as an overview of all aspects of the Ocean, what is out there, what it does for us and how we can appreciate and care for it.
We will be using a variety of platforms to work in class so PLEASE pay attention and stay organized.  
You MUST update your Aeries account email address.  Since you will only be able to log into Google classroom with your district email account it is most efficient if you use this account for all school activities.
I will be mass communicating with all students through Google classroom and Aeries so this account must be updated, otherwise you will not receive regular information.  I will not send your emails to another address.
We will go over formats, schedules, syllabus and general information on our first day together.
Stay safe and healthy!!
Ms. Wood